Dunaipoly.hu - Vakok és gyengénlátók számára

Adonyi natural reserve

<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="FR">The aim of the protection of the area is to preserve the habitat of the protected cotton grass, which is only found in a few places in Hungary. Geologically, the area belongs to the loess moorland, with no permanent or intermittent watercourses.</span></p>

Its protection is maintained by Decree 31/2007 (X. 18.) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on maintaining the protection of the Adony nature reserve.

Protection number: Order No 3/1987 /VII. 10./ OKTH

Extent of the protected area: 1 hectare

Register number: 192/TT/87

Boundary of the municipality concerned: Adony

Main characteristics of the protected natural assets

The natural vegetation is a remnant of former steppe meadows mixed with sand and loess oak, typical of the area, and as such is the guardian of the vegetation covering the central and southern parts of the county. Among the other protected plant species, the most valuable is the stand of cotton-grass, which consists of more than 350 species. This plant is an endangered species listed in the European Red Data Book. When it was declared protected, the Adony occurrence was the second most secure site in the country. During further research, a population of similar size was also discovered a few kilometres from the protected area in the village of Kulcs.

Main threats and specific conservation tasks

The tranquility of the protected area could be disturbed by the possible widening of the road 6. To prevent the development of an illegal dumping site, the area must be kept closed. Prevent afforestation of the area.
