In the nature conservation area, we can find a large number of species and individuals of protected plants and animals associated with dry, rocky grasslands.
Basic data:
Decree number declaring it a protected natural area of national importance: 129/2011. (XII. 21.) VM decree
Location and extent: Törökbálint 0152/44 hrsz., Budapest XXII. kerület 239924/3, an area of 6.42 hectares from the area of real estate registration topographical number, Budapest 239932/1, areas of real estate registration topographical number 239932/2. The total size of the protected area is 147.78 hectares.
Nature conservation objectives
Preservation of the area's slope-steppe habitats and diverse wildlife.
Ensuring the long-term survival of protected plant and animal species and their habitats in the area.
Promoting the regeneration of native vegetation.
Reduction of populations of non-native tree and shrub species.
Promoting the settlement of rarer species characteristic of the area's natural vegetation in degraded grasslands by mowing and grazing.
Ensuring further research and presentation of the wildlife of the area for nature conservation purposes.
Ensuring the long-term preservation of the area, which is moderately affected by the effects of urbanization, close to nature, and the preservation of landscape values.
Conservation strategies
Taking valuable and endangered habitats into nature conservation asset management.
Conducting research that establishes the foundation for nature conservation treatments.
Utilization of the area for educational and presentation purposes.
Facilitating the development of woody vegetation at the borders of the area and along the major access roads.
Traffic restrictions.
Preventing illegal waste disposal.
Characterization of protected natural values
In many places, the grasslands are made up of the pretty and the southern sedge (Stipa pulcherrima, S. eriocaulis), and in some places the rarer shaggy sedge (Stipa dasyphylla) also appears. The presence of the sand gorse (Colchicum arenarium) in the Buda Mountains is considered unique, the common juniper (Daphne cneorum) is considered unique, and the shaggy orphan's hair (Stipa dasyphylla) forms a stand in several places. There is a large patch of sand iris (Iris arenaria) with hundreds of stems, and its occurrence is also known in scattered strands in the area, but the maidenhair anemone (Pulsatilla grandis) can also be found here.
The arthropod fauna of the plateau is particularly rich in species. From the examination of the spiders, it is clear that an interesting, Mediterranean-type spider community lives on the plateau, where several species that are rare in Hungary can be found. You can also find the population of the highly protected dolomite sulfur moth (Colias chrysothome) in the area. The highly protected Hungarian tarsier (Isophya costata) and the protected helmeted locust (Acrida hungarica) are significant among the birds.
Among the vertebrates, there are also many protected and highly protected bird species, such as the friend's warbler (Sylvia atricapilla), the hemp warbler (Carduelis cannabina), the thorn-stinging wagtail (Lanius collurio) and the grebe (FV, Merops apiaster).