The Velence Hills are the only granite bedrock mountains in Hungary and as such are the oldest geological unit in the country. In the Velence Hills, north of the village of Pákozd, the highest point of Sárhegy and the area to the E-SE of it, the granite forms small and large rock groups, which owe their characteristic shape to the combined action of wind and rainwater.
Its protection is maintained by the Decree 65/2007 (X. 18.) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on the maintenance of the protection of the Pákozdi Gingoliths nature reserve.
Declared protected by OTT Decision 592/1951
Register number: 32/TT/51
Extent: 256 ha
Boundary of the municipality concerned: Pákozd
Conservation manager: Forestry Department of the Forestry Company of the Forestry Office of the Forestry Company of Budapest (HM) Lovasberény.
Short description of the protected natural area
The hard, compact, impermeable rock is cut through and through by cracks. The cracks divide the mass of granite into large rectangular fissures, and it is on these surfaces that the rock is fragmented and weathered. The weathering of the surface has caused the corners of the granite blocks to become rounded, the blocks to separate from each other and form a special kind of 'pendulum stone'. Some of the blocks have edges that simply rest on the rock, on which they can move without falling. The best examples of these formations are preserved in the reserve.
In 1994, with the financial support of the Nature Conservation Office, the Gaja Nature Conservation Association of Székesfehérvár started the construction of a geological nature trail through the nature reserve, which aims to present the geological formations of the Velencei Hills.
In addition to the geological values, the vegetation here is also worthy of protection, as the nature of the bedrock is unique in the country.
Main threats and specific protection tasks
- illegal dumping,
- moto-crossing,
- mountain biking.