Dunaipoly.hu - Vakok és gyengénlátók számára

Belsőbárándi-tátorjános natural reserve

<p style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="FR">The aim of the protection is to preserve the natural mosaic of loess vegetation that runs parallel to the left side of the Dinnyés-Kajtori canal, which is now only patchily preserved, the protected and highly protected plant species and associated animal communities, the landscape values, the archaeological remains of the two Bronze Age castles and the Arpadian village in the area, and to present the area.</span></p>

Protected area: Decree 14/2007 (III. 30.) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the establishment of the Inner Bárándi-Tátorjános nature reserve.

Municipality concerned: Aba

Extent: 49,73 ha
