Purpuricenus Budensis on the Debegió Hill
Publication date: 2018.07.31
Those who visited Debegió Hill this Spring and early Summer could almost feel the relief of the landscape. After the removal of the large proportion of the invasive acacia, celtis and ailanthus species, the area regained its former shape: closed and open sandland grass, only ornamented by some deliberately preserved domestic aspen trees.
The cherry
on top of the experience of the refreshing sight is that the purpuricenus
budensis, one of Hungary’s most beautiful bugs can be sighted here.
It’s a real Mediterranean species: being common in the
Balkans and in Spain, it’s categorized as Least Concern in the International
Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List, however, with the remark that in
the middle (Northern) parts of its native areas, their number is declining and
the species is more endangered. The Northern boundaries of its area run through
Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In Hungary, it is a protected species, with
a conservation value of HUF 5000.
the last few decades, the number of purpuricenus budensis individuals seems to
have declined in Hungary. Its original habitats are the forest edges of
warm-climate oaks and tans and oaks, along with karst bush forests, where its
larvae grow for 2-3 years in dead trunks and branches exposed to sunlight.
Concerning the host plant, the beetle is not very picky – at least some foreign sources say so,
as no larvae have been identified yet in Hungary. Lately, it can be sighted
around towns with gardens and parks, as the branches of old fruit- and
ornamental trees provide good shelter and food for larvae. A According to the available site-data, it
has been sighted in the Eastern and South Eastern part of Pest county the most.
Out of the sites specified in the Natura 2000 of the Life + project
“Conservation of Dry Grasslands in Central Hungary”, it was sighted in the
Debegió Hill and the Fót Somlyó, at the latter site by Csaba Szinetár in 2014.
Mature purpuricenus budensis individuals visit
flowers, where they eat the petals, stamen and pistils, but only in a minimal
amount; during the short time period they are in an imago state, they live off
of the nutrients they gathered when they were larvae. Most probably, the
flowers only serve as a meeting point for mating. These red and black beetles
are active on the scorching sun, they won’t hide, and won’t escape when
disturbed; it’s almost certain that they produce a poisonous or bad-tasting
substance, using their contrasted appearance as a warning for predators.
spotted Purpuricenus budensis individuals on the Debegió Hill in early July
2016 and 2018. On both occasions, they were sitting on the flowers of centaurea
or cirsium arvense species.
budensis individuals can only be confused with one domestic species: the
purpuricenus kaehleri. This latter is also a black and red beetle, but the
black patch of its both wings doesn’t reach the tip of the wing covers (that of
the purpuricenus budensis does reach it) Their lifestyle is quite different:
the purpuricenus kaehleri sticks to warm-climate oaks more, and it stays in the
foliage, including when its a full-fledged imago. They don’t visit flowers,
which makes it hard to spot them. This may be the reason this beetle was
considered a rarity (and the higher amount of its conservation value of HUF
10,000.00) However, if we set traps with wine and bananas as a bait in the
foliage, their presence is easy to prove (purpuricenus budensis never falls for
these). To the extent that by today, purpuricenus kaehleri is considered to be
more common than purpuricenus budensis.
Ottó Merkl
Conservation of dry grasslands in Central-Hungary
Interval: 2017.07.02 - 2020.08.31
In the framework of this 5-year-long project – started in September 2013 – Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate (DINPD) is directly aiming at the protection of the following priority habitat types: Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands (6240), pannonic loess steppic grasslands (6250) and Pannonic sand steppes (6260).