Prevention of illegal traffic – Crossing gates

Crossing gate

On some of the Natura 2000 sites in Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate (DINPD) managed by the project HUGRASSLANDSLIFE, significant damage of nature values are caused by various types of illegal traffic

For example at the 'Tétényi-fennsík' project sub-site violators of no-entrance rules regularly dump waste or use off-road vehicles on the protected area. At another project site, 'Szentmártonkáta former shooting range', beside dumping waste wood theft is also a 'side-effect' of illegal traffic. 'Domonyvölgy-Bárányjárás' sub-site is 'lucky' to have only one major illegal traffic source: off-road fans taking the wrong way.

In order to prevent further damages to nature values, DINPD has installed altogether 13 reinforced steel gates at the above mentioned three project sub-sites in the summer of 2015.

Conservation of dry grasslands in Central-Hungary


In the framework of this 5-year-long project – started in September 2013 – Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate (DINPD) is directly aiming at the protection of the following priority habitat types: Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands (6240), pannonic loess steppic grasslands (6250) and Pannonic sand steppes (6260).

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