The project is aimed at the conservation of 6 plant species, 5 of them endemics. Besides this, 5 insect species and 3 dry grassland habitats are targeted by the project. Most of the species have a significantly decreasing population trend and urgent action is needed to halt it.
The project area includes 7 NATURA 2000 sites in Hungary and 17 in Slovakia, located in a contact zone of Alpine and Pannonian bioregions.
Project code: LIFE19 NAT/SK/000895
Target species:
Linum dolomiticum
Endemic, pre-glacial relict plant species. Distribution is limited to only 140 ha in SCI HUDI20009. In the last 6 years its population has declined significantly - almost halved (2012: 23 632 inds.; 2018: 11 912 inds.), urgent intervention is needed to halt this negative trend. The species is endangered by trampling of visitors, intense shading effect of Pinus nigra and game pressure.
Ferula sadleriana
Endemic relict species bound to limestone/dolomitic rocks. HUDI20039 holds more than 50% of the species total world population (2018: cca 4700 inds.). These are threatened by intensive trampling and unregulated moving of tourists and paraglidists, and game pressure.
Vincetoxicum pannonicum
Endemic species, occurring only in 3 Natura 2000 sites (all covered by the project). Threatened by trampling of visitors, motorcyclists, and the shading effect of Pinus nigra.
Crambe tataria
Steppic species, in the EU occurring mainly in Pannonian bioregion. Threatened by abandonment of traditional management (mainly extensive grazing) and successive overgrowing.
Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica
Western Carpathian endemic species with small distribution area and decreasing populations. Threatened due to absence of traditional management and browsing of deer on flowering stems.
Dianthus lumnitzeri
Endemic species bound to dry grasslands on calcareous and volcanic rocks. Threatened due to habitat loss
Other target species:
Maculinea arion, Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius apollo, Eriogaster catax, Cerambyx cerdo
Target habitats:
Rupicolous pannonic grasslands
Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates
Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands
The main project objective is to significantly improve the conservation status of 5 endemic plant species and dry grassland habitats in the contact zone of Pannonian and Alpine bioregions. For these endemic species, the project actions will cover the majority or their entire population. The project will bring a complex set of conservation measures, which will address all the main threatening factors and improve their situation in the long run.
Knowledge co-production on conservation grazing in a Nyugat-Cserhát protected area with Crambe tataria (in Hungarian with English subtitles). The media content was produced within the LIFE Nature project called ’Conservation of endemic species and dry grassland habitats in the contact zone of Pannonian and Alpine bioregions’.
Project partners:
Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie (BROZ)
coordinating beneficiary |
Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (DINPI)
associated beneficiary |
Pilis Park Forestry Company Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt. (PP Zrt.)
associated beneficiary |
State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic
Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky (SOPSR) |
associated beneficiary |
Project areas in Hungary:
HUDI20008 Börzsöny
HUDI20039 Pilis és Visegrádi-hegység
HUDI20010 Budaörsi kopárok
HUDI20009 Budai-hegység
HUDI20030 Központi-Gerecse
HUDI20038 Nyugat-Cserhát és Naszály
HUDD20006 Szársomlyó